"In his debut novel, Hall jumps into the frantic high school world of Allora Sona and her three best friends, Katie, Dax, and Tanner. After a series of strange events the friends discover their otherworldy origins and of a civil war taking place on their home planet, Sonora. As they begin their training to join the fight as rebels of Sonora, the teens also discover that their inheritance is to protect their loved ones from creatures sent to Earth to assassinate them. The friends must find a way to overcome the petty distractions of their earthly lives as they train for the grisly battles ahead, and as they search for the weapon that will lead them toward safety. This action-packed novel creatively explores and redefines many of our own ancient myths, and serves well as the opener to an exciting new fantasy series."
AuthorFantasy & Science Fiction Author with the focus on making reality that much more fantastic, and searching history for unique opportunities to tell a different story than the ones in textbooks Archives
May 2017