Author T.S. Hall
Full Name: Travis S. Hall
Born: April 8th, 1984 Birth City: Portland, Oregon Residing City from Age 0 - 18: Lake Oswego, Oregon Residing City from Age 18 - 22: Eugene, Oregon Residing City from Age 22 - 26: Portland, Oregon Residing City from Age 26 - 33: Sun Valley, Idaho High School: Lake Oswego High School College: University of Oregon Favorite Movies: Goonies, Dune, Secret of Nimh, Caddyshack, V For Vendetta, Terminator, Harry Potter, Iron Man, Inception Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Redwall, Boxcar Children, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Hunger Games, Calvin & Hobbes, The Iliad Favorite Foods: Sushi, Pizza, Stir Fry, Avocado, Chicken, Chili, Burgers, Bacon |
Favorite Music: Lord Huron, The Lumineers, Mumford & Sons, Dave Matthews Band, Oasis, Blind Melon, Nirvana, Of Monsters and Men, 2Pac, Radiohead, Counting Crows, Soundgarden, REM
Favorite Sports Teams: Oregon Ducks, Seattle Seahawks, Portland Trailblazers, Portland Timbers Favorite Pet: A lovable lab named Cody Favorite Activities: Skiing, Mountain Biking, Hiking, Camping, Backpacking, Writing, Traveling Favorite Quote: "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." ~ Dr. Seuss Favorite Beer: IPA Favorite Wine: Pinot Noir Favorite Place: Santorini, Greece Favorite Ski Mountain: Bald Mountain Favorite Fruit: Kiwi Favorite Animal: Spider Monkey or Honey Badger Favorite Mythical Creature: Sasquatch |